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with Dave Gerhardt's DGMG

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Just joined -- how do we get the most we can out of DGMG?

Hey Dave, Everyone has spoken so highly about your marketing group, and I am thrilled that I have joined! You've watched this group grow and personally witness marketing specialists blossom over time. My question is for someone who is still navigating the ropes of DGMG, how can I get the most out of this group? This may not be the best question for your podcast -- but I really appreciate your time and am looking forward to the future with this talented group of people! - Cody

Marketing Attribution

DG what's the best way to track everything which you or your team is doing online and offline? UTMs just don't cut it. PLEASE ELABORATE YOUR APPROACH! We all need to solve this one.

How to scale paid media without saturation?

I work on a B2B SaaS and we need to generate growth on a monthly basis. The focus is increase spend on paid media (+20% MoM on average). But my team is struggling to do this increase and generate the amount of leads needed. Any tips on that?

How to reach first customers as an early-stage startup?

Early-stage B2B startup here. As we are still in prototype development / pilot phase, we don't have the resources to create an elaborate inbound/lead nurturing strategy, yet. Are there any quick wins you can suggest outside one's personal network to get some first leads?

First marketing hire

Who would you hire for the first marketer? Series A...